
CLEFT is currently exploring developing closer contacts with other cleft charities and organisations. At a recent meeting, trustees met representatives from Transforming Faces, the European Cleft Organisation, the World Cleft Coalition and the Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland. All gave short presentations and it is clear that our organisations can benefit from working with each other. Several proposals were made which we hope will come to fruition. For example, surgeons could be invited to the UK to train in a variety of cleft specialties (not just surgeons) as part of a trip which could end with participation in the 14th International Cleft Congress in July 2022. Cleft practitioners have received training several times under the auspices of CLEFT but it is hoped that even more hospitals can be involved now. A possible project in Nepal was proposed and Transforming Faces explained how they collaborated with other CLEFT charities, such as Smile Train, which currently has a very different model of cleft care to CLEFT.

The Big Give Christmas Challenge

One Donation TWICE the Impact!

Every donation made to CLEFT via The Big Give website will be doubled - from midday today until midday on 7th December.

How do I donate?

Only donations made during the campaign dates and through the Big Give website will be doubled. DONATE HERE​

The campaign will then run until 12pm midday on Tuesday 7th December, unless we meet our target beforehand.

Donations made outside of these dates or directly to our website will still come to the charity, but won’t be doubled or counted towards the Big Give total.

Read more about our Christmas Challenge on our dedicated page on The Big Give Website or click here to read more on our website.

Student section

We now have 65 student members from 17 different universities. The students have organised fundraising events and lectures and are doing an excellent job of raising the profile of CLEFT.

Christmas Quiz

We would love for you to join us for our next online event. We had such a fun and joyful time at the last quiz Sharon hosted for us, so we are excited she has agreed to support CLEFT again. Sharon has also invited a number of her celebrity friends to ask questions!!

So if you can join us on Friday 10th December, 7:30pm please register a team via our website. The cost is a donation of your choice.

It really is a super night whilst also supporting CLEFT.

Christmas cards

Our CLEFT Christmas Cards are now on sale in our online shop. We have two different designs and are £4.50 for a pack of 10.