Life is a challenge! But it is even more so when born with a cleft lip and/or palate and even more challenging when born in a lower-income country without the privilege of an NHS or local expertise.

We are raising much needed funds to help CLEFT provide permanent, sustainable ways to improve cleft care overseas and also within the UK. Broadly speaking, they can be described in two categories. Firstly through sponsorship of research projects in the UK to help identify the likely causes of clefts and secondly, by supporting projects in lower-income countries to help provide long-term treatment and care for less privileged people born with clefts.

We appreciated that many families are currently dealing with the cost of living crisis here in the UK and understand funds need to be prioritised. With this in mind, Paul and I ask that you please give as much as you can afford - every single pound will make a huge difference and we thank you in advance for your donation.

Paul and Tracy

Tracy Morris