Debbie Sell, Senior Research Fellow/ Speech and Language Therapist Previously in managerial and leadership roles in GOSH, Debbie now focuses on research, mentoring, supervision, teaching and independent clinical practice. Her PhD study in Sri Lanka (speech in patients with unoperated and late operated cleft palate) led to its Speech and Language Therapy training course. She has led on developing and testing speech outcome tools in cleft palate/VPI, setting standards for measuring speech outcomes and has participated in several multicentre national and international studies of speech outcome. Debbie’s current interests are parents undertaking articulation therapy in children with cleft palate supported by therapists and technology and is a Founder and co-Director with Dr Triona Sweeney of Speech at Home. CLEFT - Bridging the Gap funded the GOSH arm of the P.L.A.T. randomised controlled trial and was really fantastic at helping secure funding for the devlopment of the Speech@Home website. If you would like to listen to Debbie reflecting on research into speech and language therapy, please click here. [email protected]; [email protected] Twitter @debbie_sell Manage Cookie Preferences