This year I will be running the Berlin Marathon for CLEFT, I have been involved with CLEFT for over a year now and each meeting with them I find myself leaving inspired by their dedication to their goals. Which is why when I decided to get back into marathons knowing how tiring the last one was I wanted to represent them. 

So, in September I will be running my second ever official marathon. Thank you to all those who have donated so far and look out for a few bake sales from me in the coming months. 

All the money raised will go to CLEFT for them to work on providing corrective surgery to children in countries where access to the procedures is scarce. Another reason why I am representing CLEFT, is that they don’t just correct the issue, they try and create a long-lasting impact wherever they go- training local surgeons and undertaking research. It is a privilege to represent them in Berlin, and with your help we can really make a difference to lives of so many. 

Just £40 could pay for a corrective Cleft operation in a low-income country and £250 can provide them treatment for their lifetime. My initial goal is £1000 and if we get there it means that we as a collective have changed the lives of four children who would have otherwise experienced so much difficulty. Please donate and get in contact with any questions that you have and thank you in advance!

James Hayes