Paul and I have been involved with the charity CLEFT for quite a few years now and our enthusiasm for raising funds and awareness will not falter as we both value its commitment and ethos. As a trustee I know very penny raised is spent appropriately on overseas or research projects, not on huge administration or advertising costs.

This wonderful charity needs funds to continue its objectives supporting and training multidisciplinary teams in overseas cleft centres including Bangladesh, Nepal and Mozambique. CLEFT's international ethos of visiting overseas as guests, working with the local teams to develop long term care collaboratively and training local clinicians is commendable.

CLEFT also has a research arm of the charity that provides financial assistance for cleft related research projects in the UK (Research Steering Committee approved). Help and support of UK research projects is vital to the future of cleft care worldwide.

Please donate as little or as much as you can to help CLEFT help others in the cleft community world wide! Tracy Morris