CLEFT is focused on providing permanent, sustainable ways to improve cleft care both in the UK and overseas.

They do this in two ways. Firstly through sponsorship of research projects in the UK to help identify the likely causes of clefts and secondly, by supporting projects in lower-income countries to help provide long-term treatment and care for less privileged people born with clefts.

The Newcastle Cleft Service has set up a collaboration with The Kirtipur Hospital based in the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu.

In October 2023 Mr Sainsbury and Mr Hodgkinson from the Newcastle Cleft Service will be visiting the Cleft team in Nepal to provide support and training in secondary speech surgery for children whose speech has been affected by having a cleft palate.

Jane and Agha are running the Great North Run to raise money to help support this important trip.

Jane is one of the Cleft Trainees working in Newcastle and has seen first hand in the Uk how speech problems can affect young children’s learning, social interactions and confidence. This effect can only be compounded in young children in a low-middle income country.

Thank you so much in advance for any support you can provide to this important collaboration and valuable cause.

Jane Kerby