Our five runners really did a wonderful job in Berlin, raising a grand total of £8,064.10 through their fundraising pages (excluding Gift Aid). The runners travelled from Newcastle, Manchester and the USA so this took some serious commitment and, we hear, included navigating cancelled flights and for one person, a passport problem! 


Our runners were: Joshua (left), Claudine (centre) and Jennifer (right) - all pictured here before the race started. The banner image shows Joshua with Vicky (left) and Ailbhe (right).

A team of supporters also travelled to Berlin to cheer our runners on. A little sight-seeing and a team dinner the night before to stock up on some carbs was held. 


Our fantastic CLEFT supporters pictured above!

Race day was a bright and sunny day. The streets were lined with supporters from all round the world shouting encouragement to all the runners. All 5 runners are pictured below around the 42km point of the race - the end was in sight!


Thank you so much to our runners and supporters - you are all amazing!